Blue Java Icecream Banana Sapling
This product is a live Blue Java banana plant in 4-inch pot. The Blue Java (also known as the Ice Cream banana is a cold-tolerant banana cultivar known for its sweet aromatic fruit, which is said to have an ice cream-like consistency and flavor reminiscent of vanilla. It is native to Southeast Asia and is a hybrid of two species of banana native to Southeast Asia. Blue Java banana trees can grow to a height of 4.5 to 6 metres (15 to 20 ft). They are cold-tolerant and wind-resistant because of their strong pseudostems and root systems. The leaves are silvery green in color. The fruit bunches are small, bearing seven to nine hands. The fruit are 18 to 23 centimetres (7 to 9 in) in length and exhibit a characteristic silvery green color when unripe where the silveriness is caused by heavy coat of wax. The fruit turn a pale yellow when ripe, with white creamy flesh. They bloom around 15 to 24 months after planting and can be harvested after 115 to 150 days.
This product is a live Blue Java banana plant in 4-inch pot. The Blue Java (also known as the Ice Cream banana is a cold-tolerant banana cultivar known for its sweet aromatic fruit, which is said to have an ice cream-like consistency and flavor reminiscent of vanilla. It is native to Southeast Asia and is a hybrid of two species of banana native to Southeast Asia. Blue Java banana trees can grow to a height of 4.5 to 6 metres (15 to 20 ft). They are cold-tolerant and wind-resistant because of their strong pseudostems and root systems. The leaves are silvery green in color. The fruit bunches are small, bearing seven to nine hands. The fruit are 18 to 23 centimetres (7 to 9 in) in length and exhibit a characteristic silvery green color when unripe where the silveriness is caused by heavy coat of wax. The fruit turn a pale yellow when ripe, with white creamy flesh. They bloom around 15 to 24 months after planting and can be harvested after 115 to 150 days.
This product is a live Blue Java banana plant in 4-inch pot. The Blue Java (also known as the Ice Cream banana is a cold-tolerant banana cultivar known for its sweet aromatic fruit, which is said to have an ice cream-like consistency and flavor reminiscent of vanilla. It is native to Southeast Asia and is a hybrid of two species of banana native to Southeast Asia. Blue Java banana trees can grow to a height of 4.5 to 6 metres (15 to 20 ft). They are cold-tolerant and wind-resistant because of their strong pseudostems and root systems. The leaves are silvery green in color. The fruit bunches are small, bearing seven to nine hands. The fruit are 18 to 23 centimetres (7 to 9 in) in length and exhibit a characteristic silvery green color when unripe where the silveriness is caused by heavy coat of wax. The fruit turn a pale yellow when ripe, with white creamy flesh. They bloom around 15 to 24 months after planting and can be harvested after 115 to 150 days.