Parijath Care

Rule 1: PLEASE DO NOT OVERWATER YOUR PARIJATH PLANT. This is a delicate plant and requires some amount of effort to grow and enjoy the blooms from this plant. One year of extra care is needed until the plant is fully established.

Rule 2: Please remember to follow the above!

General care instructions:

1. Repotting:

 Currently there is no requirement to change pot, until you see roots come out of the pot.

 Recommended to wait till you see the plant gets root bound – use loose, well-drained soil when repotting.

 Move to next size pot, preferably 3 gallon pot.


2. Watering:

 Whenever its time for watering, water thoroughly and allow some water to drain from base of pot.

 Do not water when the soil is already moist/wet. Allow for some period of drying before you water again.

However, do not put the plant in a complete state of wilt/dryness without regular water.

 Soil should be moist and not wet.

 Grow in clay pots, after you see that the plant is growing well under your care. Follow instructions under 1


3. Sunlight:

 Partial shade – do not expose to extreme afternoon sun.

4. Windy/Rainy Season:

 Also, do not expose plant to heavy rains/windy conditions until it is fully mature/established.

5. Winter Care:

 Bring indoors and keep by sunny window. Use humidifier if the heater is running indoors. Use bright lights if you

don’t have a sunny window. Do not keep in garage unattended.

 Water only when plant looks dry. Check plant frequently.

 This is a tropical plant and will not tolerate cold weather/ extreme rain conditions.

Above all, enjoy your plant & the flowers.

They have a heavenly fragrance and is a must have in your collection of rare and

fragrant plants.